Saturday, April 14, 2012

Busy, busy, busy

Busy, busy, busy. This phrase reminds me of Frosty the Snowman, when Santa Clause told the Magician, Professor Hinkle,  he had to go home and write an apology for melting Frosty. "I've got to get busy writing- busy, busy, busy."

Well this describes me. Busy, busy, busy. My timeline is working to some degree but in order to make some progress in some areas, I had to take time away from my blog for one and my kindle as another.

I've finished writing my book but now I'm working on the editing.  Soon, I will have a synopsis listed here on this blog. I already have my outline for the 2nd book in the series so I'm actually doing pretty well with this.

I did get side tracked with a new series and already have 7500 words down that came  to me one night when I needed a break and before I knew it. Wham! 7500 words - in one night after work. Crazy!

My house is getting there but it's hard because the weather has been beautiful and my hubby has been making plans for us with biking and kayaking.  We took a 16 mile ride today on my new Diamondback he just bought me. Bless his heart!

I'm very disappointed with myself for not doing so well with my weight loss goals.  Although I have been dedicating my time to exercise, the weight just isn't melting. Sometimes I wish I had a Frosty the Snowman gene in me somewhere.

The cause of my minimal weight loss is due to my husband's new passion of smoking meat.  He has done, Brisket, Picnic Roasts, Boston Butts and Ribs.  OMG - Delicious!

So I'm trying to get back on track but it is so easy to get side tracked.  My latest project that had been added to my timeline is Prom.  My niece has asked me to alter her prom gown.  That is a task in itself but I do have experience. Thank goodness.  I told her I may not be able to work on cars (like my brothers are blessed with the know-how), sewing is something I can do.  I have been sewing since I was 12. I've got this!

Thank goodness I have learned to multi-task in my life. So again I blab - busy, busy, busy.

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